Carolina Zoccoli

CIRCO trainer Brazil

Carolina Zoccoli holds both bachelor and master degrees in Communications (UFF – Universidade Federal Fluminense) and a MBA degree in Environmental Management (UFRJ – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro). With 15 years of experience in business consultancy, corporate sustainability management and public policies development, she nowadays acts as an environmental specialist at Firjan. In the last few years, she has combined her experience in advocacy, risk management and corporate reputation with the application of circular economy in industrial activities.

“Circular economy is a concept that helps people to understand their role in the necessary change on our current production and consumption behavior. In order to maintain a balanced ecosystem and to offer a comfortable and healthy lifestyle for all. Challenges are many but the change will come step by step. Being a CIRCO trainer is a fantastic way to translate this into concrete actions for entrepreneurs who want to do their part. In my opinion, the most beautiful CIRCO example is to watch the participants discovering, bit by bit, new business possibilities and getting really motivated to promote internal and external change.”

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