CIRCO goes Rio


Last week Pieter van Os and Jeroen Hinfelaar of CIRCO were on a working visit in Rio de Janeiro, at the invitation of the Dutch Consulate-General. The purpose of this visit was to further explore the extent to which CIRCO’s Circular Design approach, which is successful in the Netherlands, would be effective in the Brazilian context.


29 August 2018

In close cooperation with FIRJAN (Industry Federation of the State of Rio de JANeiro) CIRCO organized a three-day CIRCO Workshop Track for seven companies, and a group of trainers was educated in the CIRCO methodology. Furthermore, in the residence of the consul-general, an interactive presentation was given for the Holland Business Forum to involve the local (NL) business community. Also, CIRCO gave a workshop at a ‘public event’ in FIRJAN’s recently opened center for innovation, design and sustainability: Casa Firjan. In particular, the local design community was present here.

The conclusion of this intense week is that FIRJAN and CIRCO are enthusiastic about each other’s qualities and working method. Both parties have therefore expressed the intention to give this first acquaintance a structural follow-up.

Brazilian context

The Brazilian economy is recovering from the lowest point in 2017. But nowadays there is uncertainty because of the approaching elections in October. FIRJAN’s mission is “to promote the competitiveness of business, education and the quality of life of workers and society by contributing to the sustainable development of the State of Rio de Janeiro”. FIRJAN considers it its task to stimulate optimism, innovation and sustainability, especially now. They see a major role for (circular) design. The recent opening of the inspiring Casa Firjan and the intended cooperation with CIRCO are a perfect match with this ambition.

Dutch context

For the consulate this initiative is a logical continuation of previous activities, to bring the Dutch knowledge in the field of circular economy under the attention in Brazil. There were also missions to Rio in 2016 and 2017. With this visit, CIRCO also anticipates the implementation of the recent Dutch cabinet response to the Transition agendas, which includes the government’s commitment to getting circular design at European and international level embedded in companies and education.

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