- Hub
Circular business design workshop launches in Australia
Planet Ark's Australian Circular Economy Hub (ACE Hub) partners with CIRCO NL to bring their circular economy training to Australia, starting with Victoria.
'Circular business' (459)
Planet Ark's Australian Circular Economy Hub (ACE Hub) partners with CIRCO NL to bring their circular economy training to Australia, starting with Victoria.
CIRCO Hub Portugal’s team organized a Track on circular business models, targeting the wine packaging value chain. They did so in cooperation with the Alentejo Regional Winegrowing Commission, in Portugal.
Deze track is al geweest
27 november, 4 en 16 december 2020
9.00 - 17.30 uur
In Nederland worden grote hoeveelheden textiel gekocht én afgedankt. Circulair ondernemen kan helpen om de hoeveelheid onverkochte voorraden en textiel-afval te reduceren of te voorkomen.
SGN presents "Toys that Last". A series of workshops for the global toy industry to stimulate the reuse, repair, and recycling of toys towards a circular economy.
In May 2022, CIRCO explored whether the Netherlands and China can work more closely together on the transition to a circular economy from a design perspective. As part of the…
Nigeria's CIRCO Hub is dedicated to helping businesses transition to circular economy models by using the globally recognized CIRCO method. Designed to meet Nigeria's specific needs, the Hub will offer…
Are you interested to learn about what is already happening in the field of circular textiles? Take a look at this selection of Circular Design best practices for the textiles…
Nigeria's population is growing very rapidly. By 2050, its population is even expected to exceed that of the US. This enormous growth is accompanied by an increasing need for sustainable…
In collaboration with Fraunhofer IZM, CIRCONNECT organized an expert session for the Circular Design Forum.
To realize a sound circular business case, two things are needed: a circular business model and a circular design strategy. One of the resources that makes an important contribution to…
We have collected some Circular Design best practices for the plastics and packaging industry. We will update this overview regularly. Want to know more? Let us know!
Deze class is al geweest
25 September 2020
How can you, as a university teacher, contribute to the development of the circular economy? Find it out in this CIRCO Circular Design Class.
Deze class is al geweest
17 december 2020
How can you, as a university teacher, contribute to the development of the circular economy? Find it out in this CIRCO Circular Design Class.
The Effizienz-Agentur NRW takes up the CIRCO method to support companies in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, in developing new, sustainable business models and product adaptations in the sense of the circular…
The CIRCO methodology offers a design approach with which you design your circular value proposition (product, service, business model). Experienced trainers with specific theme knowledge will guide the group, of…
During the month of September the Netherlands Embassy in Thailand is organizing a series of events under the name ‘Orange Green Days’. Today, as one of the events in this…
The bicycle is recognised as the most eco-friendly mode of transportation. However, it took the bike industry a comparatively long time to understand its own responsibility for sustainable design and…
Since the end of October, Impact Hub Yerevan has been working hard to empower participants in the CIRCO Business Design Track to become key contributors to Armenia’s circular transformation
In de transitie naar een circulaire economie is het opbouwen en overbrengen van nieuwe kennis onontbeerlijk. Ondernemers en ontwerpers willen steeds vaker bekend raken met het circulaire gedachtegoed en zich…
Deze track is al geweest
22 & 29 november, 10 december 2019
9.00 – 17.30 uur
De bedrijfstextielsector heeft de noodzaak en potentie om circulair te worden. De overheid en institutionele inkopers vragen steeds meer om circulaire oplossingen. Ook brandvertragende, waterafstotende behandelingen, logo’s, signalering en de gelaagde samenstelling van materialen van deze kleding zijn aspecten die aandacht vragen.
Deze track is al geweest
22 & 29 november, 18 december 2019
09.00 – 17.00 uur (derde dag tot 17.30 uur, incl. afsluitende borrel)
RCT Gelderland, Dutch Bicycle Center en Kiemt organiseren in november samen met CIRCO een Track voor de fietsindustrie. Drie eendaagse workshops, verspreid over twee maanden. Dit is jouw kans om de mogelijkheden van circulair ondernemen te verkennen.
Last month Germany's largest design event took place: the Munich Creative Business Week.
Dit event is al geweest
29 oktober 2021
13.30 - 17.30 uur
Speciaal voor bedrijven in de meubel- en interieurbouw heeft branchevereniging Koninklijke CBM een Circular Design Challenge georganiseerd. Het programma bestond uit twee ontwerpdagen en de driedaagse CIRCO Circular Business Design Track. Vrijdag 29 oktober a.s. is de 5e en laatste dag van deze Challenge. De deelnemers pitchen en presenteren hun prototypes, proefmodellen en ontwerpideeën van hun interieurobject en worden beoordeeld!
Pieter van Os, Program Manager at CIRCO International, and Simon Ng, CEO of the Business Environment Council (BEC), expressed their mutual commitment to establish a CIRCO Hub in Hong Kong…