As CIRCO, we consider the privacy of our participants and website users very important. At the same time, we need data to, for example, further improve our Tracks and Classes, to send newsletters and to analyze our website in order to optimize it. We try to only request the data that we really need.
This is CIRCO’s privacy statement as of April 25, 2021.
CIRCO is a programme of the Foundation top consortium Knowledge and Innovation CLICKNL.
CIRCO attaches great importance to privacy and the protection of personal data. In this privacy statement we describe how we handle personal data and what rights you, as a data subject, have.
All personal data is collected, processed and secured in accordance with the Dutch General Data Protection Regulation (“AVG”). CIRCO is responsible for the processing operations described in this privacy statement.
How can you contact us?
If you have any questions about CIRCO’s processing of personal data, please contact
From whom do we process personal data?
We process personal data of persons with whom we want to come into contact, have contact with or have had contact with, directly or indirectly. Examples are: our contacts from the creative and knowledge industry, future contacts, their representatives, persons associated with companies with which we have a relationship, have had a relationship with, or want to establish a relationship with, including suppliers, and anyone who shows an interest in our activities.
Which personal data do we process?
Below is an overview of the categories of personal data that we process:
Identifying data and contact details
- First and last name
- Sex
- Date of birth
- Address data
- phone number
- E-mail address
- Information about your professional background
Company / organisation
- Function
- Specialization
- Website
- LinkedIn address
CIRCO engagement data
- Involvement in projects
- Participation in Events, Tracks, Classes, Demos
- (E-mail) correspondence
- Messages you send to us via social media
- (Notes from) call recordings
- Information that says something about the use of our website and social media
Activities on our website and social media
- IP addresses
- Information collected by means of cookies (see also under Cookies)
- Information that you actively provide or enter in forms
- Information about the device with which you use our website
Information about your application
- CV
- Motivation
Data from service providers
- Billing information
- Payment details
Most of the data we receive because you provide it to us, for example because you enter data on our website, because you communicate with us or because you participate in an event or Track/Class/Demo. We can also actively approach persons who may be interested in the activities of CIRCO.
In addition, when you visit our website, we place cookies with which we can collect information about your website visit. More information about this can be found under ’10 Cookies’.
If you follow CIRCO on social media or communicate with or about CIRCO, we may gain access to some of your public profile information. If you share information about CIRCO via social media, your data may become visible via those social media. CIRCO also follows social media channels and can thus access data about you on social media.
For what purposes are your personal data processed and on what basis?
To start a relationship with you
Basis: legitimate business interest and consent
- Search for and approach potential contacts (e.g. at events or via the internet)
- Processing your registration as a contact
- Registering data about you, your organization, position and specialization
For relationship management and to maintain contact with you
Basis: legitimate business interest and consent
- Keeping you informed about events, Tracks, Classes, Demos and projects that you are involved in or that may be of interest to you
- Putting you in touch with other contacts for a possible collaboration
- Keep you informed through our newsletters
- Respond to messages you send us
To facilitate events, Track, Classes and Demos
Basis: necessary for the execution of the agreement
- Processing your registration and sending data about the event, Tracks, Classes, Demos
- Registering dietary requirements
To process your application
Basis: necessary for the execution of the agreement and permission
- Register and process your application letter
- Taking and assessing your application
- Save your application details for a future position
For the development and improvement of our services
Basis: legitimate business interest
- To have a good overview of our contacts
- To conduct internal audits and investigations.
- To improve the quality of the website
- To evaluate your findings from CIRCO Events, Tracks, Classes, Demos and Projects
To fight fraud
Basis: compliance with legal obligations that rest on us
- In order to comply with legal obligations, your personal data may also be provided to third parties
To protect the position of CIRCO and third parties
Basis: legitimate business interest
- Protecting intellectual property rights
To ensure the security and stability of IT systems
Basis: legitimate business interest
- Monitoring IT systems.
- To conduct internal audits and investigations.
To enter into agreements with suppliers and other partners
Basis: necessary for the execution of the agreement
- To keep in touch.
- Purchase services and make payments.
To whom do we provide personal data?
CIRCO may use the services of third parties to process your data in accordance with this privacy statement. These parties act as processor for CIRCO and CIRCO ensures that these parties offer sufficient guarantees with regard to the technical and organizational security measures. Third parties that act as processors for CIRCO have concluded a processing agreement which includes, among other things, that they will only process the data on behalf of CIRCO. It is also possible that we share data with those third parties when we organize an event, Track, Class or Demo or project together with third parties. If necessary, we will inform you about this separately.
Your data will also be passed on to other parties outside CIRCO if we are legally obliged to do so, such as supervisory authorities, because we have to perform an agreement with you or if this is necessary to fulfill the agreements with you. In addition, we also provide your data to other parties that we need in the context of our services.
Do we transfer personal data to other countries?
CIRCO may use third party services to process your data in accordance with this privacy statement. These parties may be located outside the European Economic Area (EEA).
Your personal data will only be stored or processed by us or by third parties engaged outside the EEA if this is in accordance with the applicable regulations for the transfer of personal data to countries outside the EEA. This means that we will only transfer your personal data to countries outside the EEA if the European Commission has decided that the third country concerned guarantees an adequate level of protection, or if other appropriate safeguards are offered.
How long do we keep your data?
Your data will not be kept for longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it is collected or processed. CIRCO uses different retention periods, depending on the purpose and category of data.
If we no longer need personal data for the purposes described above, we can still keep the data for archiving, for legal proceedings or for research.
Cookies zijn kleine tekstbestanden die worden opgeslagen op jouw computer, smartphone of ander apparaat wanneer je onze website bezoekt. Cookies helpen ons om de website te laten functioneren en te analyseren. Cookies onthouden gegevens van jouw vorige bezoek aan de website zodat de site beter werkt en zodat wij onze website kunnen verbeteren. We maken gebruik van zowel first party cookies (door ons geplaatste cookies) als third party cookies (door anderen geplaatste cookies).
Cookies geven ons geen toegang tot jouw computer, smartphone of ander apparaat. Wij maken alleen gebruik van cookies met geen of beperkte invloed op jouw privacy. Je kunt de instellingen van jouw webbrowser aanpassen om cookies te weigeren. Hierdoor is het mogelijk dat onze website niet meer volledig functioneel is.
CIRCO maakt gebruik van de volgende cookies:
- Functionele cookies. Deze cookies zijn nodig om de door u gevraagde dienst te leveren, bijvoorbeeld om uw inloggegevens te onthouden.
- Analytische cookies. Deze cookies helpen ons onze website te verbeteren, bijvoorbeeld door het aantal bezoekers, kliks en pageviews te analyseren.
Wat gebeurt er in het geval van overdracht van de onderneming?
In de toekomst kunnen onderdelen of activa van CIRCO worden overgedragen aan een derde partij of kan CIRCO fuseren met een derde partij. In dat geval kunnen jouw persoonsgegevens aan deze derde worden overgedragen. CIRCO zal je in een dergelijk geval vooraf informeren.
Wat zijn je rechten?
Je hebt een aantal rechten met betrekking tot de verwerking van jouw gegevens (zie hieronder). Als je hier meer informatie over wil of een van deze rechten wilt uitoefenen, stuur dan een e-mail naar
- Recht om jouw toestemming in te trekken, indien wij jouw toestemming hebben gevraagd voor een bepaalde verwerking van jouw persoonsgegevens;
- Recht op inzage;
- Recht op rectificatie indien persoonsgegevens onjuist of onvolledig zijn;
- Recht op gegevenswissing indien persoonsgegevens niet ter zake dienend zijn voor het doel waarvoor ze zijn verzameld, wanneer toestemming is ingetrokken, wanneer je bezwaar uit tegen een verwerking van persoonsgegevens op basis van een gerechtvaardigd belang of wanneer de verwerking van persoonsgegevens onrechtmatig is;
- Recht op beperking van de verwerking indien je de juistheid van de persoonsgegevens die CIRCO verwerkt betwist, of je bezwaar hebt ingediend tegen de verwerking van persoonsgegevens door CIRCO;
- Recht op dataportabiliteit;
- Recht van bezwaar tegen verwerking of direct marketing. Je heeft het recht om bezwaar te maken tegen de verwerking van jouw gegevens in het kader van ons gerechtvaardigd belang. We maken dan een nieuwe afweging om te bepalen of jouw gegevens niet meer gebruikt mogen worden. Tevens kun je specifiek bezwaar maken tegen het gebruik van jouw gegevens voor direct marketing;
- Recht op bezwaar en menselijke tussenkomst bij automatische besluiten;
- Recht om een klacht in te dienen. Dit kan bij CIRCO via of bij de Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens.
Hoe beschermen we je persoonsgegevens?
We nemen passende maatregelen om misbruik, verlies, onbevoegde toegang, ongewenste openbaarmaking en ongeoorloofde wijziging van persoonsgegevens tegen te gaan. Alleen personen die gelet op hun functie toegang nodig hebben, zullen jouw persoonsgegevens verwerken. Al deze personen hebben een geheimhoudingsplicht.
We kunnen ons privacy statement van tijd tot tijd wijzigen. Dit kan bijvoorbeeld als er nieuwe gegevensverwerkingen zijn of in verband met wijzigingen in regelgeving of technologische ontwikkelingen. Bij substantiële wijzigingen, stellen wij jou daarvan op de hoogte. Zo nodig vragen wij jouw toestemming voor een gewijzigde of nieuwe verwerking.