Nadine has been with the EFA NRW team since May 2023 and supports companies in NRW to conserve resources and with their transformation and development towards a sustainable and successful future. Among other topics, she is responsible for Circular Economy and Circular Design and works with companies on the identification, development and implementation of circular solutions . She studied production engineering and has worked in the metal processing industry for over ten years being responsible for the improvement and development of processes for national and international production sites and production optimized specifications and prototyping of new products. In 2018 Nadine professionally dedicated her career to sustainability and the transformation of companies. Since then she was engaged in various projects, innovation and development activities in different industries. And now has over 6 years of experience and a wide network in sustainability, circular economy and transformation as well as a deep understanding of industrial processes and organizations.
Nadine Tiedemann
CIRCO trainer Germany